Whether it’s the increase in energy prices, meteorological disasters or the emerging electricity supply gap: public interest in my areas of research has grown tremendously in the last few years. Since reports of actual and impending catastrophes are ever present in the media, the need to understand the energy markets and the implications of climate change has increased. Clear answers are in demand.
I discuss my ideas with politicians, companies and consumers, as well as with my students. And I am open to answering any questions from the press: questions related to energy scarcity or future opportunities for companies in the context of climate change. As is customary in the USA, I believe that scientists should present their research results to the public as often as possible, which is why I take every offered opportunity to give presentations, or take part in panel discussions and talk shows.
I have summarized the results from my research and their consequences for companies, consumers and politicians in the book titled „Die andere Klima-Zukunft“ (The other climate future), published in Autumn 2008.